Thursday, November 19, 2009

I give you...

From the great city of the west-San Francisco--who gave us Black Bart, The Zodiac Killer, The Night Stalker, Sara Jane Moore, and Jim Jones, I give you Nancy Pelosi!!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009


It was announced today that Hussein won the Nobel Peace Prize. The final date for submitting anyone for this honor was February 1, 2009 which means he was in office for a total of 12 days. What did he accomplish in 12 days? Did he bring peace to the Middle East? Get rid of all nuclear weapons in the world? Sing songs of peace? Pray for peace? What?

This is what occurred during his first 2 weeks in office:

He took the oath and re-took the oath of office.

Bombed Pakistan.

Gave his first interview to an Arab TV station.

Made his first phone call to the Palestinian leader.

Made a tax cheat his Secretary of the Treasury

Nominated another tax cheat for Health Secretary

Picked a fight with Rush Limbaugh

Argued with the Pope over abortion.

Called for closing Gitmo (which is still open)

Refuses to talk with Republicans over the stimulus Bill which passes along party lines and he signs which has only stimulated the federal and state governments with pork projects.

Signed the SCHIP Bill which provides health care to illegals.

That's it. Even today he still has not accomplished much of anything. Even Saturday Night Live is making fun of his "accomplishments".

Here is what he has done so far:

Signed the Stimulus & SCHIP bills, apologized all over the world for the U.S., got a dog, and killed a fly. That's is very deserving of the Peace Prize don't you think?

I have done more to promote peace than he has. I actually have a dog living in harmony with 5 cats and a bird living in harmony with a cat. None tries to attack the others. Where's my prize?

This may have been given to him as a slap in the face to "W", but it is more a slap in the face of the previous winners including Jimmy Carter, Mother Teresa, Shirin Ebadi, Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela, Elie Weisel, and the many others who actually "worked" hard at something with many suffering imprisonment and torture for their beliefs. This degrades the whole idea that Alfred Nobel set forth from the beginning and only supports more of us who think the world views Hussein as the "holy one".

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Moral or Atrocity

Have you heard that people are now using genetic testing on embryos to pick their children? Some are eliminating those with genetic disorders--even if they might not "pop" up until late in life. Others are also using it to pick the color of their child's eyes, hair, etc.

Doesn't sound so bad? Well, when Hitler was doing genetic experimentation on the Jews and was eliminating all genes he did not like so that he could populate the world with his master race, it was an atrocity! Yet here we are today doing the same thing to embryos so that we can control the ideal race that we want to carry on. Hasn't medicine gone too far? Just because we can do something, doesn't mean we should. Period. Morals and morality are deteriorating rapidly and we must put a stop to it now. We must draw the line in sand over which no one must cross.

With all the talk of health care reform and the government controlling our medical treatments and outcomes, it is only a matter of time before those deemed genetically inferior must be allowed to perish or be exterminated much as Hitler did. What is to stop them? Hopefully, a population with the morality not to play God and allow all to not only exist, but also be provided the necessary health care and nourishment that we need.

Otherwise, "Heil Hitler"!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Why stop at CEO's--let's go all the way!

Why stop at limiting how much CEO's can make. Why not put it in place across the board? From now on, No one--no one-- can make more than $500,000 per year. This includes salaries, bonuses, investments, savings interest, second jobs, book deals, speaking engagements--everything. Even businesses can not net more than $500,000/year. All extra money has to be turned over the government. All government officials are also subject to this as well--all perks, speaking engagements, trips, book deals, anything they are paid for plus their salary can not equal more than $500,00. All basketball, football, hockey, baseball players, NASCAR, golfers, tennis players, cricket players, movie directors, producers, actors, singers band members, authors, etc cannot make more than $500,000/year. Couldn't you see Michael Moore, Ed Begley Jr, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and all the Hollywood supporters of Obama and Roman Polanski being paid what average people are paid? Wouldn't that be fair? Then the government would have all this extra money to spend on security, schools, the military, roads, health care, etc.

Better yet, why not just pay everyone $500,000/year no matter what they do for a living. That way no one is "better" than everyone else--they are all equal. No winners, no losers, everyone is the same. Of course, the government would have to have price controls on everything because we would not be able to afford million dollar houses, yachts, private jets, etc. So, the government could provide everyone with the same type of house (you could have like 4 floor plans to choose from, but they would all be the same square footage-just different layouts), the same type of car ( you could choose from 2 styles from each car company, but they would all be the same), food allowances, gas allowance, heating/cooling allowances, etc. I would like that. Then, I would not have to work so hard for my pay. I could even not work. After all, I deserve it. I have worked my butt off all my life while others have been collecting welfare, free food, etc. It's my turn to sit back and do nothing and get paid for it.

That would be Utopia. Or is it communism? Who cares! Who cares if other people stop working because they will get their money any way? Who cares if no one in the U.S. invents or develops something new. Who cares if we all become lazy and do nothing all day. Who cares if all the work that needs to be done, doesn't get done. Who cares if nobody cares. Who cares?

After all, I am entitled to it. Aren't you?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Obama no liar--Illegals will be legal

Obama (Hussein) did not lie when he said illegal aliens will not be covered by a new health care bill. In stead, they will all be legal--as in they will citizens of the U.S.A. That is and has been his plan all along. Think about it. This past weekend he goes on 5 TV stations (of course not FOX) including Univision--the all Spanish speaking network. Why? So they will feel he is trying to include them, and once he does make them all citizens and covers them health care, who are they going to vote for next election? Hussein of course. In the mean time, he is trying to divide this nation on other issues--including racism--so that he can become the Supreme Ruler. Divide and conquer. It is an old but effective strategy. Just sit back and watch, but you better be brushing up on your Spanish because that may become the national language of the Unintitled Spanish America (the new USA).

Friday, August 21, 2009

Thou Shalt Not Be Healed

Have you heard the Great Hussein's message to religious leaders claiming that it is their moral obligation to preach that this health care reform is the holy grail and that all those opposed are "bearing false witness"? It is his administration as well as the supporters in Congress that are bearing false witness as they do not even know what is in the bill or even care what is in it. They say that abortion is not covered, but it does not say that it is not covered. Thereby, all legal medical procedures are covered and abortion by definition is legal. They say there are no death panels, but the bill states that people over 60 years old must have "end of life counseling" which in political terms is a death panel if they are trying to save money and do not want to spend it on older people.

If you really want to see what government run health care is all about look at the VA hospitals. They are totally run by the government and the veterans are suffering. 10,000 vets had to be tested for HIV and hepatitis because equipment was not sterilized between colonoscopy procedures; 96 out of 114 (and now 6 more cases have been discovered) cancer treatments were botched; and today it is revealed that while vets were waiting for their benefit checks, the VA was doling out $24 MILLION in bonuses to their employees including flying an employee from Florida to Washington to have a romantic relationship with a higher up that cost taxpayers $37,000! Remember the AIG bonus debacle? But it is okay if the government is doing it!

And people think the government is going to treat us better in a nationwide health system?!?! Forget it, the only thing the government ever cares about is power and money for themselves. This government is no different other than they are trying to blow so much BS by us so fast that we cannot possibly see what is really happening.

Our government is bankrupt--both financially and morally. Hussein stands there invoking religion and the Bible when he has no morals himself. He does not believe in the Bible. He believes in himself and feels that he is the Christ returned. He is no different than Jim Jones, David Koresh, or Charles Manson. He is evil personified and he is using his mysticism of his words over people to attain disastrous and hellacious ends.

The buck needs to stop here and now, and if this HR 3200 bill passes, everyone that votes for it should be arrested on charges of treason because they are traitors to the Constitution and the citizens of THE United States of America!!!!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid

These are the words every member of Congress and on the White House staff including Hussein himself needs to hear. Be very afraid. At town hall meetings across the country, average Americans are letting their voices be heard that they are against this government socialized medicine program that is being put forward-and with good right. This is the one bill that could kill millions of Americans. If Washington does not pay attention to the voters, they will be out of jobs come the next election. Not only that, but opposition has become so angry at members of Congress over this because we the people feel like we have no voice in Washington, that it could lead to a real armed revolution. Look at what is happening in this country. Racial tension is the highest since the race riots of the 1960's, people are on edge and are killing over senseless issues, crime is up, tolerance is down, and gun sales are way up. This at a time when we are supposed to be all joined together as one under the Great Healer and Messiah! He was supposed to bring love and peace and harmony to us. Instead, he has become the most divisive President in history, use race and unions, and thuggery to deprive us of our God-given rights of freedom of speech and freedom as an entity. It is time for all those in Washington to go--and go away fast, or we can only pray that brave men will stand up and make them go or that God himself will destroy Washington before it destroys us.